Friday, February 25, 2011


Brief moments of sunshine punctuated a fairly dreary day (see Thursday, Wednesday, and Tuesday).

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Same Old, Same Old

Dull and dreary for another day.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


The calm between the storms?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Fine Line...

...between sky and Lake.

Monday, February 21, 2011


That is an angry lake out there. From noonish.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

What a Difference a Day Makes

To quote guest photographer MT directly. Same Sheboygan view, different Sheboygan weather. From today, 2/20/11.

Sharing from Sheboygan

Guest photographer MT shares these lovelies from yesterday, 2/19/11.
Even smoke can be beautiful with the right lighting!


As you can see here, the "cliffs" have eroded a lot, due to warm temps and/or pounding waves. From Thursday, 2/17/11.

Ice Floes

The ice/snow floats that had drifted out in the Lake were washed back in and looked like this. From Wednesday, 2/16/11.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Click on the pic!
The larger versions are more impressive. Click on them!

You Want "Icebergs" in Lake Michigan?

This is the best we can do (unlike this). Big, huge chunks of snow washed into the harbor channel by last week's big storm/waves.
The second "iceberg" (in back) is piled up along the concrete breakers.
For scale.
Here's one giant non-eroded pile of snow on shore. There are piles like this all along the shoreline. And all this after several days of melting in the warm (40 degrees!) temperatures.

Rosy Overkill

Way too many colorful shots lately. Pretty romantic visions suitable for Valentine's Day.
That rosy glow is just too much.
I can never decide which one is better, so I put them all up.
Hence the title, "Rosy Overkill," which would also make an excellent name for a band. From Monday 2/14/11.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Lithe Light

Somehow just enough light is sneaking through those clouds... make the icy surface glorious.


Radiating pink and purple off the icy patches. At dusk, Wednesday, 2/09/11.

Paging Mr. Tumnus...

From Tuesday, 2/8/11.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Silvery Blue

This looks really different than it did in person, darker and less delicate (perhaps because I was trying to control the camera with gloves on?) but still, the Lake cannot take a bad picture.

How to choose?

So many pretty pictures, I just couldn't do it. Which is your favorite? From Saturday, 2/5/11.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Cliff Notes

Yesterday's "ice fields" have now been pushed into shore, where they have formed messy, sandy cliffs of ice.
Extending all along the shore.
And the remaining ice has drifted back out to sea...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

No Lifeguard On Duty

Have you ever wondered how Lake Michigan would look after 2 feet of snow and 15 or so hours of huge winds/waves? Well, wonder no more dear readers!
It looks very similar to a plowed field after a heavy snow. Very bumpy and white. But with piles of snow on the periphery.

Here's a closer look. Click on it to see the larger and more impressive version. All of these were taken from the beach near my home, where we spent our day shoveling 6 foot drifts off our driveway and waiting for the power to come on (it did after 17 hours). The next few days, depending on wave action, should reveal some impressive piles of ice on the shore. Come back and see!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Reminder of summer...

Could not load this pic directly, but here's a pretty from last summer on Riley's Bay, WI. Guest photographer ALD. Thanks!